MilliSign: mmWave-Based Passive Signs for Guiding UAVs in Poor Visibility Conditions
Tatsuya Iizuka, Takuya Sasatani, Toru Nakamura, Naoko Kosaka, Masaki Hisada, and Yoshihiro Kawahara
PDF Video Publisher Link Press release (English)Abstract
This paper presents MilliSign, a guidance system based on a batteryless tag to support unmanned aerial vehicles in all-weather conditions. Conventional batteryless guidance systems using visual signs fail to work in inclement weather due to poor visibility. The need for all-weather operation with long-range readability encourages the use of millimeter wave (mmWave) radar, which poses challenges in providing a wide 3-D read range and low-cost operation. To address these challenges, we introduce a corner reflector (CR) array-based chipless RFID tag and a one-shot slant range reading procedure with COTS mmWave radar. We establish a novel design method for the shape and alignment of CR units to decrease the tag's size and expand the 3-D read range. Additionally, we develop a signal-processing pipeline based on Root-MUSIC to achieve accurate power and spatial estimation, which facilitate automatic tag detection. Our evaluation demonstrates that the tag, measuring 292 mm × 600 mm × 19 mm and storing 8 bits, can be read by mmWave radar from a distance of more than 10 m with a viewing angle of more than 30° in elevation and azimuth. Moreover, its performance remains stable in poor visibility conditions and multipath-rich environments.
Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom)
Published: October 2023
Article: 50
Pages: 1 - 15